This must be the most difficult game ever created, I swear I cant even move one step sometimes without getting killed.
In this game you play as Ultra Magnus, the crappy autobrat, and I dont know the story, im guessing it involves the autobrat matrix or something.
Well anyway you move from left to right until you make it to the boss then beat his ass.
If that was even possible.
What makes it so hard is that the bullets are small as hell and looks just like the background so you dont even know what killed you some times, and when you die you have to start the entire level over again, no there are no checkpoints, its like the game was made to cause fustration.
The enemies consist of Jets that when you shoot transform into robot midgets, robot egg looking things that just move up and down, a tank, and some wierd looking hourglass thing.
You can transform but I have no idea how to attack in that mode. Well not horizontally at least just straight up, yeah very helpful.
The music is so repetative that it's guarantee to get stuck in your head for the rest of your life.
Bottom line: This game sucks.
If I have anything else to complain about, ill just edit this.
Also Decepticons>autobums